Legacy Data Conversion

We convert data (in any form) to the latest database format and produce quality software products, on time and within the budget.

Today in the ever changing business economy, preference to outsourcing is considered a wiser option.

Our Legacy Data Conversion service helps you in getting your CAD design work done by qualified and proficient professionals, working aggressively to meet your company standards without compromising on quality part.

Legacy Data is normally work left behind during course of time because of priorities. we offers Legacy data conversion services with high standards of modeling and drafting quality on priority to bring the engineering data in the specified CAD platform by clients of automotive and general engineering.

We Provide

  • 2D to 3D
  • Paper to Electronic
  • CAD to CAD
  • Surface Modeling to Solid Modeling

We Offer

  • From Blueprint
  • From Image
  • From CAD Fromats


  • Cost effective
  • Gives higher quality work
  • Meets deadline of your project
  • Reduction on overhead charges
  • You can concentrate on other business issues
  • Gets benefits of updated technology and management
  • An average cost savings of 60% to 70% versus the costs of performing data conversion in-house
  • Reusability in both upstream and downstream applications makes faster time-to-market and reduced costs.
  • Increased time for your design team to focus on core design tasks